Working Conditions for Real estate brokers and sales agents

Advances in telecommunications and the ability to retrieve data about properties over the Internet allow many real estate brokers and sales agents to work out of their homes instead of real estate offices. Even with this convenience, much of the time of these workers is spent away from their desks—showing properties to customers, analyzing properties for sale, meeting with prospective clients, or researching the state of the market.

Agents and brokers often work more than a standard 40-hour week. They usually work evenings and weekends and are always on call to suit the needs of clients. Business usually is slower during the winter season. Although the hours are long and frequently irregular, most agents and brokers have the freedom to determine their own schedule. Consequently, they can arrange their work so that they can have time off when they want it.

More information on Real estate brokers and sales agents from The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
Overview of Real estate brokers and sales agents occupation
Number of Real estate brokers and sales agents in the U.S.
Salary and earnings for Real estate brokers and sales agents
Working conditions for Real estate brokers and sales agents
Significant points for Real estate brokers and sales agents
Training requirements for Real estate brokers and sales agents

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