Working Conditions for Insurance sales agents

Most insurance sales agents are based in small offices, from which they contact clients and provide information on the policies they sell. However, much of their time may be spent outside their offices, traveling locally to meet with clients, close sales, or investigate claims. Agents usually determine their own hours of work and often schedule evening and weekend appointments for the convenience of clients. Although most agents work a 40-hour week, some work 60 hours a week or longer. Commercial sales agents, in particular, may meet with clients during business hours and then spend evenings doing paperwork and preparing presentations to prospective clients.

More information on Insurance sales agents from The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
Overview of Insurance sales agents occupation
Number of Insurance sales agents in the U.S.
Salary and earnings for Insurance sales agents
Working conditions for Insurance sales agents
Significant points for Insurance sales agents
Training requirements for Insurance sales agents

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