Education and training requirements for Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses

All States and the District of Columbia require LPNs to pass a licensing examination after completing a State-approved practical nursing program. A high school diploma or its equivalent usually is required for entry, although some programs accept candidates without a diploma or are designed as part of a high school curriculum.
In 2002, approximately 1,100 State-approved programs provided training in practical nursing. Almost 6 out of 10 students were enrolled in technical or vocational schools, while 3 out of 10 were in community and junior colleges. Others were in high schools, hospitals, and colleges and universities.
Most practical nursing programs last about 1 year and include both classroom study and supervised clinical practice (patient care). Classroom study covers basic nursing concepts and patient care-related subjects, including anatomy, physiology, medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, obstetrics, psychiatric nursing, the administration of drugs, nutrition, and first aid. Clinical practice usually is in a hospital, but sometimes includes other settings.
LPNs should have a caring, sympathetic nature. They should be emotionally stable, because work with the sick and injured can be stressful. They also should have keen observational, decisionmaking, and communication skills. As part of a healthcare team, they must be able to follow orders and work under close supervision.

More information on Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses from The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
Overview of Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses occupation
Number of Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses in the U.S.
Salary and earnings for Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
Working conditions for Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
Significant points for Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
Training requirements for Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses

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