Notes on employment for Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers

  • Most jobs are filled by promoting office or administrative support workers from within the organization.
  • Office automation will cause employment in some office and administrative support occupations to grow slowly or even decline, resulting in slower-than-average growth among supervisors and managers.
  • Like those seeking other supervisory and managerial occupations, applicants are likely to encounter keen competition because their number should greatly exceed the number of job openings.

More information on Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers from The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
Overview of Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers occupation
Number of Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers in the U.S.
Salary and earnings for Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers
Working conditions for Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers
Significant points for Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers
Training requirements for Office and administrative support worker supervisors and managers

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