Average salary, compensation, and wages for Science technicians in the United States

Median hourly earnings of science technicians in 2002 were as follows:

Nuclear technicians $28.84
Forensic science technicians 19.73
Geological and petroleum technicians 18.96
Chemical technicians 18.00
Environmental science and protection technicians, including health 16.98
Biological technicians 15.73
Forest and conservation technicians 14.90
Agricultural and food science technicians 13.74

In 2003, the average annual salary in nonsupervisory, supervisory, and managerial positions in the Federal Government was $30,440 for biological science technicians; $44,068 for physical science technicians; $55,374 for geodetic technicians; $40,781 for hydrologic technicians; and $52,585 for meteorological technicians.

More information on Science technicians from The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
Overview of Science technicians occupation
Number of Science technicians in the U.S.
Salary and earnings for Science technicians
Working conditions for Science technicians
Significant points for Science technicians
Training requirements for Science technicians

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