Average salary, compensation, and wages for Social scientists in the United States

Median annual earnings of social scientists (excluding Economists, market and survey researchers, psychologists, and urban and regional planners) were $52,280 in 2002. Anthropologists and archeologists had median annual earnings of $38,620; geographers, $53,420; historians, $42,030; political scientists, $80,560; and sociologists, $53,160.
In the Federal Government, social scientists with a bachelor�s degree and no experience could start at $23,442 or $29,307 a year in 2003, depending on their college records. Those with a master�s degree could start at $35,519, and those with a Ph.D. degree could begin at $42,976, while some individuals with experience and an advanced degree could start at $51,508. Beginning salaries were slightly higher in selected areas of the country where the prevailing local pay level was higher.

More information on Social scientists from The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
Overview of Social scientists occupation
Number of Social scientists in the U.S.
Salary and earnings for Social scientists
Working conditions for Social scientists
Significant points for Social scientists
Training requirements for Social scientists

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