Occupational therapist aides

Occupational therapist aides
Occupational therapist aides -- jobs in the United States

Table showing the approximate number of people employed as Occupational therapist aides and their average hourly wage and annual salary for selected cities and municipalities in the United States. All figures are from the U.S. Department of Labor.

CityNo. EmployedAvg Hourly WageAvg Annual Salary
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY50$11.96$24,870
Atlanta, GA50$9.20$19,130
Boston, MA-NH PMSA50$13.95$29,030
Chicago, IL PMSA220$10.06$20,930
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN**$13.19$27,440
Cleveland-Lorain-Elyria, OH**$18.46$38,400
Dallas, TX**$15.35$31,930
Denver, CO PMSA**$16.09$33,470
Houston, TX**$14.94$31,070
Jersey City, NJ**$18.20$37,850
Kansas City, MO-KS30$11.76$24,450
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA PMSA80$10.02$20,840
Madison, WI**$18.13$37,710
Miami, FL PMSA60$10.94$22,750
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI70$13.09$27,240
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI30$11.67$24,280
Monmouth-Ocean, NJ70$13.88$28,870
Nassau-Suffolk, NY80$14.22$29,570
New York, NY250$16.43$34,180
Orlando, FL**$10.10$21,000
Philadelphia, PA-NJ190$14.99$31,190
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ40$12.46$25,930
Pittsburgh, PA130$14.92$31,030
Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA120$12.37$25,730
Spokane, WA**$9.86$20,500
St. Louis, MO-IL90$11.19$23,270
Tacoma, WA**$12.42$25,830
Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV PMSA70$11.47$23,850

Occupational therapist aides

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