Forensic science technicians

Forensic science technicians
Forensic science technicians -- jobs in the United States

Table showing the approximate number of people employed as Forensic science technicians and their average hourly wage and annual salary for selected cities and municipalities in the United States. All figures are from the U.S. Department of Labor.

CityNo. EmployedAvg Hourly WageAvg Annual Salary
Albuquerque, NM60$16.88$35,100
Atlanta, GA130$17.34$36,070
Baltimore, MD PMSA50$18.62$38,730
Birmingham, AL60$21.77$45,290
Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC70$19.96$41,510
Chicago, IL PMSA300$24.10$50,140
Dallas, TX100$20.71$43,080
Denver, CO PMSA130$23.06$47,970
Fort Lauderdale, FL PMSA160$20.76$43,180
Fort Myers-Cape Coral, FL40$18.28$38,020
Houston, TX50$22.79$47,410
Indianapolis, IN50$20.05$41,710
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA PMSA550$32.32$67,220
Miami, FL PMSA**$22.74$47,290
Montgomery, AL40$17.73$36,880
Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News, VA-NC90$18.10$37,640
Oakland, CA PMSA100$27.97$58,180
Olympia, WA30$20.70$43,050
Orlando, FL230$17.91$37,250
Pensacola, FL70$18.46$38,390
Philadelphia, PA-NJ90$17.77$36,960
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ350$22.82$47,470
Portland-Vancouver, OR-WA110$25.54$53,120
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC120$18.48$38,440
Reno, NV60$20.38$42,400
Richmond-Petersburg, VA100$20.99$43,650
Riverside-San Bernardino, CA PMSA130$26.22$54,540
Rockford, IL30$21.89$45,530
Sacramento, CA PMSA130$21.89$45,540
Salinas, CA**$29.17$60,660
San Jose, CA PMSA**$27.97$58,190
Spokane, WA30$24.42$50,790
Springfield, IL50$25.12$52,250
St. Louis, MO-IL130$21.99$45,730
Tacoma, WA40$27.48$57,160
Tallahassee, FL150$17.73$36,880
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL220$18.76$39,020
Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV PMSA170$27.80$57,810
West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, FL70$19.03$39,590

Forensic science technicians

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