Environmental science teachers, postsecondary

Environmental science teachers, postsecondary
Environmental science teachers, postsecondary -- jobs in the United States

Table showing the approximate number of people employed as Environmental science teachers, postsecondary and their average hourly wage and annual salary for selected cities and municipalities in the United States. All figures are from the U.S. Department of Labor.

CityNo. EmployedAvg Hourly WageAvg Annual Salary
Boston, MA-NH PMSA70*$77,300
Chicago, IL PMSA270*$74,910
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA PMSA***$62,160
Newark, NJ***$57,080
Philadelphia, PA-NJ220*$78,500
Pittsburgh, PA80*$53,400
San Francisco, CA PMSA70*$70,750
Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV PMSA70*$61,950

Environmental science teachers, postsecondary

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