Montana Funeral directors

Average wages per hour and average annual salary figures for Montana Funeral directors .

According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates for Funeral directors [OCC_CODE: 11-9061] in the state of Montana (MT) [Area: 30] are as follows:

The estimated total number of employed (rounded to the nearest 10 and excluding self-employed) is 100 [with a percent relative standard error of 19.5%]

The mean hourly wage is $25.16

The mean annual wage or salary is $52,320 [with a percent relative standard error of 14.6 % ]

The hourly 10th percentile wage is: $15.24
The hourly 25th percentile wage is: $17.41
The hourly 50th percentile wage is: $20.25 [median wage]
The hourly 75th percentile wage is: $23.56
The hourly 90th percentile wage is: $37

The annual 10th percentile wage is: $31690
The annual 25th percentile wage is: $36220
The annual 50th percentile wage is: $42110 [median wage]
The annual 75th percentile wage is: $49010
The annual 90th percentile wage is: $77600

All figures above are given in U.S. dollars ($).
These November 2003 Estimates for Montana Funeral directors   are derived from the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey carried out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor [website: http:/www.bls.gov/oes/home.htm]

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OCC Code: The 7-digit Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code for the occupation as specified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor

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